Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tweakers and Deer

Dean Delray is a comedian, rocker, and biker (he also has one hell of a mustache #MustachesAndMotorycles). If you haven't heard of him, you should definitely check out his Instagram (here). Recently he was in a motorcycle accident (this is kind of documented on his Instagram page). Apparently, a tweaker stole a car and ran into him while she was making her getaway. Then, she left the car (and the scene) and jumped in another car that sped away (I may not have the story exactly correct, but this is what I pieced together from Instagram and this Joe Rogan Experience podcast). I also heard that Dean is giving up motorcycling. I wanted to comment on this because I had a similar experience.

About ten years ago, I was riding right after sunset in early summer. A deer leaped out directly in front of me and I put the bike down to avoid hitting it. I and my girlfriend ended up rolling down the road and received some pretty decent injuries. A broken wrist kept me from riding for a couple months and I'd be lying if I didn't say it was terrifying getting back on a bike. However, my love for riding outweighed my fear and I continued to ride.

Now, looking at Dean's situation, I can understand his point of view. Since my accident, I can avoid riding or take it very easy when deer are on the move (dawn and dusk). It's tough to find a time in Los Angeles (this is where I believe Dean Delray lives) when there's not some crazy driver that'll take you out without thinking twice. Maybe Dean should move to the country! Wait, I think a meth lab was busted out here a couple months back. Fucking tweakers are everywhere! Stay safe, people!

“Here's something I would like to remind you two of: our best friend Doug is probably face down in a ditch right now with a meth head butt-fucking his corpse!” – Stu Price in the movie The Hangover

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